Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Birthday, Friend!

I've known this girl over 20 years now... We've been acquaintances. We've been school mates. We've been inseparable. We've been completely separated. We've laughed together, cried together, gone our separate ways, and then caught up together.

There are two songs that always remind me of her:

You know, you have those friends who are in your life for a season, and when that season is over, your life is better for knowing them. Well, she's one of those friends who comes into your life and changes the way you see things forever so that, even when she's nowhere near and you haven't talked in a while, you are regularly reminded of her.

There's so much that I can say about her. She's taught me:
  • The importance of agreeing to disagree
  • How to respect others' beliefs while growing even more in my own
  • It's ok to get your heart broken because you won't find your fairy tale if you don't at least put your heart out there.
  • Dreams are worth chasing.
  • No one should ever settle for anything but hold out for the best.
  • Love isn't love unless it consumes you
  • Family is more important than any other earthly thing
  • There are some risks worth taking, even if they seem impossible.
  • Pink is an awesome color
  • To laugh at myself more and find humor in everyday life
  • Imagination should not be reserved exclusively for children
  • True beauty cannot be judged by pictures or magazines but only by those who know everything about you.
  • I'm not always right (Ok... so I've learned that from a lot of people, but I'm sure she was one of the first)
  • You never truly appreciate anyone until you've spent some time without them
  • I had pretty good taste in friends in 1st grade.
So... to my friend whom I miss dearly and will always love:

(I like your sneakers)




I truly do not know what to say. I love you SO much. You have been a true friend...for 24 years now! I have always been able to be ME with you. You are a beautiful person, inside and out, and I am so happy for the love and happiness in your life.

I can't see the songs yet (they're blocked at work) but I am going to check them as soon as I get home.

I will never forget spice cake, Baked, singing karaoke to Crocodile Rock and Kris Kross - both the group and the criss cross tan line you got one summer! ;) I have a bazillion memories with you. I could go on and on listing examples! Not to mention YOU introduced me to Bert! I could never repay you for that one.

My life is richer and better because you are my friend. I love you always.