Monday, January 28, 2008

Green is the new black, and bowls are the new hats.

It's amazing to me to think that at this time last year, Trent was just a bundle of baby that could do nothing for himself, and now he's walking, talking Trentonese, and apparently learning to dress himself. He's obviously got his mom's fashion sense.

All parents will tell you that time goes faster when you have a little one... I can't figure out why. Is it because we're just too busy to feel the time fleeting? Is it because we're so tired our memories can't last long enough to realize how much time has actually passed? Or is it because we are so enthralled with these little creatures that everything else around us just melts away and doesn't matter anymore?

So, here's to bowls on our heads, blankets in our hands, and daddy's boots on our feet.