Thursday, December 9, 2010

I Can't Believe It's Been Four Years!

Trent, or T$ as we like to call him, will be turning 4 Saturday... the time has flown. He's my little man now instead of my little baby.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 10 - Something I'm Afraid Of

There aren't too terribly many things that really scare me, but I can list a few:
I am terrified of heights, but I LOVE roller coasters... weird, huh? I did face this fear one time by bungee jumping. I had to literally be pushed to jump and then I blacked out on the way down. So, I'm not sure if it really counts, but I gave myself an A for effort.

I'm scared of disappointing people - whether it's family members, coworkers, bosses, friends - whomever (or should it be whoever... I don't know). I don't like making people mad or frustrated, but I can get over it. It's when I actually hear the word "disappointed" or see the look in their eyes, it kills me. I remember when I was in 2nd grade and my dad bought me a pair of cowgirl boots for Christmas, I opened them and was a complete brat about them not being the kind that I had wanted.... I could tell he was disappointed in my reaction. That still haunts me... I'm pretty sure he's forgotten about it, though. So, we're cool.

Finally, I'm scared of mirrors in dark rooms... I blame watching too many scary movies. I also don't let my feet hang out of the covers at night because of a story I was told when I was little about a monster under my bed who will pinch my toes off. Go figure...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Spreading Christmas Cheer with Shutterfly

I'm about to admit to something that most of my friends think is sinful: I've never sent out Christmas cards.

I know, I know - it's an obligation when you have a beautiful family to share them so that friends and family can hang them on mantles, refrigerators, trees or just oooh and ahhh and throw them in the trash. Who knows, some people may hang them and throw darts at them. I guess it depends on the audience.

Anyway, between birthdays and Christmas and 8,000,256 gifts to buy and 3,734 family members and friends to visit during the Holidays, it just gets to be a little bit of a hassle and an expense to do the whole Christmas card thing. BUT... (drum roll)... Shutterfly has saved the day with their 2010 Holiday Card Blog giveaway! So, now I can afford both the money (none!) and the tiny bit of time it takes to make and order cards on Shutterfly.

So, I think that you should both check out the promotion (just take a look at these adorable cards), and also look at their great gift ideas like calendars!

If you've already ordered your Christmas cards (those of you who actually think ahead!), go ahead and browse the site anyway for things like birthday invitations.

I had such a hard time choosing the cards that I liked best, but I think these three are my favorites (there were so many great ones, but I was trying to choose the ones I thought would look good with the pictures that we were able to take):

I'm leaning most toward the middle card. I think it's just so pretty! These are the pictures (out of about 100 million that we took) that I was able to salvage from our little home portrait session:
This one was actually one of my favorites... until I looked and realized that Trent was "throwing the deuces". My little gangsta.

Again, I loved this one, and then there was Trent who was constantly asking if it was over yet..

Trent was acting right this time, but Ronnie looks less than enthused.

Yay! It's Christmas time!!