Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Great Weekend!

The bad thing about a long weekend is that right when you get used to spending all the time with your family, it's time to go back to work again, but we had a great weekend!

Friday night, Carter Lane went with his Gran (Ronnie's mom) to see his cousins. So, I cheated and just ordered pizza for supper. We let Trent sit at the coffee table to eat his pizza. So, he pulled his little chair up to it, and was trying his best to pull the coffee table closer to him. It was just a little too heavy, and his hands slipped. About that time, he exclaimed, "D**n!" I looked at him all crazy and asked what he said. He looked up at me with those big brown eyes, and said, "Aww, you know, Mom... just telling you what a beaver lives in." At that point, my three-year-old had me.. All I could say was, "Ok, well let's call it a Beaver House from now on..."

Saturday morning, we went got up to make pancakes and eggs for breakfast. After eating, we went out to the garden to see if there were any veggies ready for the picking. I gather some squash while Trent played in the dirt. Then, I spotted an eggplant that was ready. So, I went to pick it. Just in case you didn't know (and I keep forgetting), eggplants stems have these little thorns on them. So, I yelled "Ouch!" to which my darling little man replied, "You dummy!" Now, I can't think of one rational explanation for why he would be calling me a dummy. So, I said, "Excuse me?" Without missing a beat, Trent said, "I was talking to this stupid tomato plant that keeps getting in my way."

Now, it's not the fact that he's saying inappropriate things that has me worried... most kids at his age start doing that kind of thing. It's the fact that he can rationalize it all right there on the spot. I have a feeling we're in for it with this child...

Saturday evening, we headed to Ronnie's parents' house to play with the cousins (Ronnie's sister's children). The celebration lasted all the way to Sunday night. We had a great time!!

There was lots of Ping Pong to be played!

Trent and his boy cousins ready to celebrate!

Carter Lane started with sparklers but quickly moved on to bigger explosions

Trent wa happy just playing in the dirt all day


Ronnie trying to show the kids how it's done

Trent really liked the Party Poppers

All the cousins before everyone started playing after church


My fam :) (Everyone's even almost smiling!)

Yesterday, Trent and I went to my mom and step-dad's house to visit, and then we went to see Toy Story 3 (which was good but had some parts that were a little intense for a 3-year-old.) We had a great time together, though! Trent even got some new shoes, which he kept calling his "fly kicks"... I have no idea...

Trent and his Memaw

Trent and PawPaw

Trent after the weekend of festivities... He said "Even Batman gets tired, Mama"

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Independence Day!

In our nation right now, there are natural disasters, man-made tragedies, and nation-wide debates and disagreements. On this Independence Day, while we are far from a perfect country, it is necessary to realize that we have people willing to provide assistance through the natural disasters, volunteers and scientists fighting to stop and right the man-made tragedies, and soldiers and their families sacrificing in order that we have the right to state our opinions.

So, on Sunday, I will be thanking God that I can worship Him freely in the morning, spend time with my family in the afternoon, and put my children to bed in the evening without having to fear what lingers outside the doors of our house.

Thank you, God, for our land. Thank you, forefathers, for our liberty. And thank you, soldiers and veterans, for the protection of both.

Everyone have a happy and safe 4th of July!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Good news, Mississippi!

When I heard that someone from Starkville, my hometown, was going to be on MTV's the Real World, I was really curious... so, I had to watch. I found that it was Jemmye, who is actually from Aberdeen, and just lives in Starkville:

She starts off by giving a disclaimer to the effect of just because she's from a small town in Mississippi doesn't mean that she's a conservative Christian "good girl". I am so glad that she went ahead and took it upon herself to break all the stereotypes for Mississippi... because when people think of our state, the first things they think of are our politics and morals, right?

Jemmye (whose name, I think, already addresses our high scores in literacy), went on to exhibit all the positive things about our state, like how we can make the words "fish tank" stretch into four or five syllable and how we, as Southern women, just become poignantly more loud and annoying as time goes on. Add to this the fact that Jemmye has an obsession with her "stripper heels", can eat a crawfish from a stranger's fingers in a way that is almost X-rated, and has to be right in the middle of all the drama while dressed in as little as possible, and I think we have one fine example of our state on TV.

So, thank you, Jemmye, for clearing the way for all of us in Mississippi... We can hold our heads up high knowing that you are a representative for us.

As for the rest of the cast, for the most part they are the typical dysfunctional mix that guarantees at least a few blow-ups each episode, namely Ryan - the metrosexual emotional roller coaster. However, there is Sahar, who seems extraordinarily normal and well-grounded.... Maybe she's just holding back.

On a completely unrelated note - this really made me laugh today. I want to be this awesome when I'm old!

I don't know which is funnier, the old man or the guy in capris and ankle socks :)